Submission #2418965

Source Code Expand

from collections import deque

N,G,E = map(int,input().split())
gs = list(map(int,input().split()))
es = [[] for i in range(N+1)] # [[to1,cap1,rev1], ...]

def add_edge(fr,to,cap):

for i in range(E):
    a,b = map(int,input().split())
for g in gs:

INF = float('inf')
level = [0] * (N+1)
iters = [0] * (N+1)

def dinic_bfs(s):
    global level
    level = [-1] * (N+1)
    level[s] = 0
    q = deque([s])
    while q:
        v = q.popleft()
        for to,cap,rev in es[v]:
            if cap > 0 and level[to] < 0:
                level[to] = level[v] + 1

def dinic_dfs(v,t,f):
    if v == t: return f
    for i in range(iters[v],len(es[v])):
        iters[v] += 1
        to,cap,rev = es[v][i]
        if es[v][i][1] > 0 and level[v] < level[to]:
            d = dinic_dfs(to,t,min(f,es[v][i][1]))
            if d > 0:
                es[v][i][1] -= d #cap
                es[to][rev][1] += d
                return d
    return 0

def dinic_max_flow(s,t):
    global iters
    flow = 0
    while True:
        if level[t] < 0: return flow
        iters = [0] * (N+1)
        f = 0
        while True:
            f = dinic_dfs(s,t,INF)
            if f <= 0: break
            flow += f


Submission Info

Submission Time
Task D - 浮気予防
User prd_xxx
Language Python (3.4.3)
Score 100
Code Size 1451 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 47 ms
Memory 4332 KB

Judge Result

Set Name part All
Score / Max Score 99 / 99 1 / 1
AC × 27
AC × 61
Set Name Test Cases
part test_01_AB.txt, test_02_AB.txt, test_03_AB.txt, test_04_AB.txt, test_05_AB.txt, test_06_AB.txt, test_07_AB.txt, test_08_AB.txt, test_09_AB.txt, test_10_AB.txt, test_11_AB.txt, test_12_AB.txt, test_13_AB.txt, test_14_AB.txt, test_15_AB.txt, test_16_AB.txt, test_17_AB.txt, test_18_AB.txt, test_19_AB.txt, test_20_AB.txt, test_21_AB.txt, test_22_AB.txt, test_23_AB.txt, test_24_AB.txt, test_25_AB.txt, test_41_AB.txt, test_47_AB.txt
All sample_01.txt, sample_02.txt, sample_03.txt, sample_04.txt, sample_05.txt, sample_01.txt, sample_02.txt, sample_03.txt, sample_04.txt, sample_05.txt, test_01_AB.txt, test_02_AB.txt, test_03_AB.txt, test_04_AB.txt, test_05_AB.txt, test_06_AB.txt, test_07_AB.txt, test_08_AB.txt, test_09_AB.txt, test_10_AB.txt, test_11_AB.txt, test_12_AB.txt, test_13_AB.txt, test_14_AB.txt, test_15_AB.txt, test_16_AB.txt, test_17_AB.txt, test_18_AB.txt, test_19_AB.txt, test_20_AB.txt, test_21_AB.txt, test_22_AB.txt, test_23_AB.txt, test_24_AB.txt, test_25_AB.txt, test_26_A.txt, test_27_A.txt, test_28_A.txt, test_29_A.txt, test_30_A.txt, test_31_A.txt, test_32_A.txt, test_33_A.txt, test_34_A.txt, test_35_A.txt, test_36_A.txt, test_37_A.txt, test_38_A.txt, test_39_A.txt, test_40_A.txt, test_41_AB.txt, test_42_A.txt, test_43_A.txt, test_44_A.txt, test_45_A.txt, test_46_A.txt, test_47_AB.txt, test_48_A.txt, test_49_A.txt, test_50_A.txt, test_51_A.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
sample_01.txt AC 20 ms 3316 KB
sample_02.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
sample_03.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
sample_04.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
sample_05.txt AC 20 ms 3316 KB
test_01_AB.txt AC 20 ms 3316 KB
test_02_AB.txt AC 20 ms 3316 KB
test_03_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_04_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_05_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_06_AB.txt AC 20 ms 3316 KB
test_07_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_08_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3444 KB
test_09_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_10_AB.txt AC 20 ms 3316 KB
test_11_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_12_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_13_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_14_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_15_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_16_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_17_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_18_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_19_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_20_AB.txt AC 20 ms 3316 KB
test_21_AB.txt AC 20 ms 3316 KB
test_22_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_23_AB.txt AC 20 ms 3316 KB
test_24_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_25_AB.txt AC 20 ms 3316 KB
test_26_A.txt AC 45 ms 4332 KB
test_27_A.txt AC 46 ms 4332 KB
test_28_A.txt AC 46 ms 4332 KB
test_29_A.txt AC 46 ms 4332 KB
test_30_A.txt AC 46 ms 4332 KB
test_31_A.txt AC 47 ms 4332 KB
test_32_A.txt AC 24 ms 3436 KB
test_33_A.txt AC 36 ms 3820 KB
test_34_A.txt AC 23 ms 3436 KB
test_35_A.txt AC 27 ms 3564 KB
test_36_A.txt AC 24 ms 3436 KB
test_37_A.txt AC 29 ms 3692 KB
test_38_A.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_39_A.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_40_A.txt AC 20 ms 3316 KB
test_41_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_42_A.txt AC 34 ms 3692 KB
test_43_A.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_44_A.txt AC 27 ms 3564 KB
test_45_A.txt AC 22 ms 3316 KB
test_46_A.txt AC 22 ms 3316 KB
test_47_AB.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_48_A.txt AC 22 ms 3316 KB
test_49_A.txt AC 22 ms 3316 KB
test_50_A.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB
test_51_A.txt AC 21 ms 3316 KB